Don’t worry about acquiring a golf handicap if you’re fresh or new at the game. Simply improve your technique and have fun with your game. Making oneself feel under pressure is one of the most efficient ways to lose interest. If you’ve been playing golf for a while and want to start competing with friends or in tournaments again, you’ll need to obtain a golf handicap. Benchmarking yourself against the course and how you play overtime is also enjoyable and fascinating. Fortunately, it is a simple procedure.The goal of a golf handicap system has traditionally been to level the playing field for golfers of varying abilities, allowing them to compete on an equal footing. When golfers adopt the handicap system, they can play each other in a match regardless of their skill level, and each will have a legitimate opportunity to win. On specific holes on a golf course, the weaker player gets given strokes (and is allowed to subtract strokes from her score).